Etienne did this drawings especially for the movie Street Fight. You can obtain an 8x10 b&w print or a 35mm color slide from Etienne c/o Kris Studios po box 1251 Chgo 90, 11.

This is not a

"pretty picture",

and neither is

the movie which

it illustrates. The movie is "STREET FIGHT" with Bob Saputo and Geo Savage. 16mm $12.

8mm $8.

AMG 1834 W T1 St. Los Angeles 6, Calif.



Response to our display of youth on motorcycles in our Vol 8 4 edition has been very enthusiastic and we are glad to present a new selection herewith. 4x5 prints of any of these photos can be purchased at 35c each. Additional motorcycle poses can be viewed in catalog WC13 (25 45 cents for one month's viewing (send $4.50 deposit).

You can rent all of these pages for gas at present) and WD13 (19 pages at present). More pages will be added to both groups.


*Art Mathew was scheduled to be in an AMG movie to be entitled "Devil On A Cycle" but is now confined to a hospital and cannot complete the film.. Don Riedell 18 5!3" works on a wild animal ranch, wants to be an actor. *Mike Guy 19, 6 ft tall has recently left Califomia to retum to Detroit where he is a tool and die maker. Arley Bastin 19, 6'4", 200 was bom in Indiana but grew up on a farm near San Jose Califomia. * John Krivos 25, 5'9.5" 175 lbs comes from Johnstown Penn, is a very active bodybuilder, occassionally swims, goes to many movies. David Stubbs 22, 5'11 155 lbs was bom in Stockholm Sweden but was raised in Philadelphia, is employed as a roofer. Tom Porter 20 6'3 175 lbs from

Bel Aire Ohio was a football letteman at highschool, works now as a service station attendant, but has motion picture aspirations. Don Reynolds 19 6'3.5" 174 lbs was bom in El Campo Texas,is employed as a truck driver but also has done heavy construction work. He also wants to be an actor and hopes soon to be able to go to dramatic school. Joe Leltel 21 6'1 180 lbs was bom at Long Beach Calif but raised in Colorado. He is employed part time as a truck driver, but does considerable acting and modelling work. He can bench press 300 lbs. *Eldon Ferris 19 5'11 170 lbs is from Dallas Oregon, got his build from logging, wants to be a pilot. *Chips Ardel 20 5'8" 165 lbs from Brooklyn NY.















IS IT SAFE TO BUY NUDE PHOTOS FROM THE "MAIL-ORDER ART SCHOOLS?" We have received hundreds of letters from PP readers who have received literature from various firms offering them completely nude photographs in conjunction with a quickiemail-order art course, "one which doesn't require months of study, tiresome tests" but rather the customer can buy the entire course at once and immediately be eligible to buy completely nude photos which the same firm offers for sale. We regret to onnounce that this system of circumventing the law is no more acceptable to the officials charged with preserving our morality than were such ruses as selling nude photos with inked-in coverings, undeveloped prints, etc. For the umpteenth time we would like to reiterate that we do not believe nude photos to be "bad" or hamful in anyway to anyone, but they have proven a very real legal danger to many individuals because many courts and juries will call a nude obscene. The victory of t of the nudists magazines in the Supreme Court does not give carte-blanche to art photographers etc, to deal in nudes, and the govemment has already obtained new convictions since the nudist case ruling.

Pseudo-art schools are no more acceptable to the govemment that are phoney medical colleges. A photo buyer who enters into a conspiracy with such a "school" to fumish him nude photos is guilty of collusion, and like the firm which sells him the photos he is subject to a fine of $5000 and/or a 5 year prison term. In one recent case which a reader sent to us, a man was lucky in that a local rather than a federal court heard his case and he got off with 6 months in jail along with a $500. fine. Frankly, we wish that such schools and such transactions were legal, but govemment officials tall us they are not and we feel it is only fair to wom participants of the possible consequences. If one does insist on buying front view nudes rather than the legal minimum cover photos, he should begin now to set aside money for his legal denfense fund, arrange in advance for an attomey to represent him etc. It is naive to believe such transactions can really be done in secret.

You might ask, if the govemment knows of the existence of such firms, how come they are allowed to operate at all. 24 Post Office policy is to give them enough rope to completely hang themselves. Past experience has shown officials that usually the more a firm can get away with the more it will try, until ultimately an iron dad case can be built up against the firm and its customers which both will find indefensible. Please don't ask us for the names of such firms. It would be illegal for us to tell you.